Friday 18 November 2011

Upcoming National Events to look out for in 2012

Greetings all!

Today's top learning News:

[Please share this information with anyone who may be interested and if you know an adult learner that deserves acknowledgement for their on...]

The Adult Learners’ Week Awards celebrate the achievements of outstanding adults that have transformed their lives through learning.

2011 Winner

Denise Chéné, 2011 Senior Learner Awards Winner, Yorkshire and the Humber

Denise Chéné says she is “a new woman at the age of 66” because of learning. With the support of her daughters after a painful divorce at the end of a long marriage, she was encouraged to take part in induction training at Crossroads Care in Harrogate. Her employer encouraged her to take an NVQ level 2 in Health and Social Care. 

“I had not been allowed to do anything like this new learning before and my independence had been minimal,” says Denise. But she loved her job so much she decided to give it a try, and succeeded. “I feel so happy and positive. I hope I can go on forever in my job and continue to help the lives of the people I care for.”  Liz Winship, CEO of Crossroads Care Harrogate, Craven and York, says “Starting a new career as a Carer Support Worker and helping others has given Denise the strength she needed to see her way through her personal troubles and gain the strength to cope. Her life has been transformed due to her new learning achievements.”

If you know someone who deserves a Learner Award, you can nominate them here:

Monday 7 November 2011

Welcome to The Union Learning Reps of the British Library's Blog

Welcome Friends,

Shortly we will be blogging all sorts of learning information for you.  We hope to facilitate you into finding out about what you want to know.  We're hoping to hear from you so we know what to organise for your benefit.  This year's focus is all about getting online and how to become savvy with new devices and on the Internet.
Check back in the next few weeks to find out more about the opportunities we are organising for you on behalf of your unions.  This is a joint project between the two main unions at the BL, PCS and Prospect, and we have information from the TUC and Union Learn to help us to help you.  Meanwhile if you are in need of some Union help or information, follow the links below:
Please leave us messages, we need to know what you think and what you need, we are your representatives.

We'll be seeing you very soon!